Visual Facilitating - Graphic Recording
„Visual Facilitating“ is reinforced by diagrams from the group work- especially in creative processes, presentations, workshops, coaching sessions as well as simply through meetings. Graphic Studio also serves people in generating
new ideas and developing a culture of innovation.
Benno van Aerssen, along with his cousin Susanne Ferrari, uses these powerful tools in coaching and innovation and also in supporting projects for change and team building.
"A picture speaks a thousand words" – – Many companies and organizations have already recognized this.
Visual Facilitating
Visual Facilitating is a balanced mix of
- Psychology
(how does a picture effect people) - Creativity
(how something can be portrayed) - Craft
(ability to draw a little,…) and - Optimism
(what can be left out, without hindering the recognition)
Susanne Ferrari is a qualified designer and studied in Düsseldorf.
She worked as a creative director for leading agencies, recieving numerous awards for her work in New York Festivals, COMPRIX, the flap, W & V - Creation of the day, etc.
Susanne Ferrari und Benno van Aerssen are cousins, originating from the 7th generation of the church painter Ferrari family from Ticino.
"Our ancestors have moved people telling stories on church walls, we continue to do the same – only the type of walls has changed somewhat" Susanne Ferrari and Benno van Aerssen
Humans are visual beings
Wherever people might like to make complex changes or innovate projects it is useful to have visualization.
There are vast visual learning environments that sustainably move people, especially promoting the all-important 'informal learning' within enterprises which in turn stimulates and encourages brainstorming.

Making the new and complex comprehendible
Nowadays, change and innovation projects are generally more complex as well as notably culture-changing. In order to set themselves up for a success, many people in business have to tell many other people all about it, and thus
develop a suction effect.
The pictures that Susanne Ferrari creates for the Graphic Recording will impel and animate your team, just as great church paintings and grand old nautical charts have done many hundreds of centuries ago.